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Are Robotic Lawn Mowers Safe? What You Need to Know

Updated | Jun, 2023

As the future of lawn maintenance draws closer, more and more homeowners are asking: “Are robot lawn mowers safe?” If you’ve been mulling over this very question, this comprehensive guide offers valuable insights into their safety features. This article will guide you through the basics of robot lawn mower safety, how to operate them safely, and what to consider for a secure purchase.

robot lawn mower

Buying a Safe Robotic Lawn Mower: Key Considerations

Robot lawn mowers are swiftly gaining popularity, serving as game-changers in home garden maintenance. Their appeal lies not only in their efficiency but also in the unparalleled convenience they bring. Imagine having a well-manicured lawn without the sweat and effort usually associated with this task. These devices utilize cutting-edge technology that delivers precise cuts and adapts to the topography of your yard, thus offering a hands-off approach to lawn care. However, as is the case with any piece of technology, the question of safety inevitably arises.

With an ever-increasing market demand, manufacturers have placed a significant emphasis on safety when designing these advanced garden aids. Designed to work autonomously, robotic lawn mowers come with several features aimed at protecting you, your family, and your property. The technology deployed in these mowers not only guarantees a neat lawn but also ensures that the process is conducted without compromising the safety of your household.

robotic lawn mower

Blade Guards

All robot lawn mowers come equipped with blade guards or covers to prevent accidental contact with the blade. This is especially important when mowing in an area where children or pets are present. For instance, the Husqvarna Automower line has excellent blade protection, ensuring safety even in environments with small, curious hands or paws.

Collision Sensors

Most robot lawn mowers also feature collision sensors to detect obstacles such as trees, rocks, flower beds, and other objects in their path. This is essential to prevent the mower from damaging itself or your property. Robomow’s RS series, for example, uses advanced sensors to avoid any obstructions, thereby providing reliable and safe operation.

Lift and Tilt Sensors

Many modern robot lawn mowers include lift and tilt sensors that automatically stop the blades when the mower is lifted off the ground or tilted to a significant degree. These sensors are vital for preventing accidental injuries during handling or maintenance. The Worx Landroid series is well-known for incorporating this type of safety feature.

Boundary Wire

A boundary wire system is used by virtually all robot lawn mowers to define the mowing area. This helps to prevent the mower from venturing into areas where it could potentially cause harm or damage, such as a vegetable garden or a busy driveway. Ambrogio’s robot mowers excel in their ability to adhere to boundary wire systems, ensuring they stay within their designated zones.

Automatic Shutoff

Many models also include an automatic shutoff feature which powers down the mower if it leaves its designated area or if an abnormal situation is detected. Some mowers like the Gardena Smart SILENO City models, even send an alert to your smartphone when they have been manually stopped or removed from their designated area, adding an extra layer of security.

Safely Operating Your Robot Lawn Mower

While robot lawn mowers are a product of cutting-edge technology and designed to be as safe and user-friendly as possible, owning and operating these machines still requires some degree of understanding and responsibility. The aim is to ensure optimal safety while maximizing their performance potential. This doesn’t simply involve initiating the automated cutting process, but also understanding the range of safety features and how they contribute to a safer mowing experience.

robotic lawn mower

From managing and setting up appropriate boundary limits, keeping a close eye on the machine around pets and children, to performing regular maintenance checks, it’s crucial to take a proactive approach. In this light, there are additional considerations, apart from the automated features, that can help you create a safe, efficient mowing routine with your robot lawn mower:

Installation and Programming

The first time setup of a robot lawn mower can be a bit intricate as it involves setting up boundary wires and programming the mowing schedules. Make sure to carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions or consider hiring a professional for installation to ensure the safety system works correctly.

Wildlife and Small Objects

Robot lawn mowers use sensors to avoid large obstacles but may not always detect small objects or animals, such as toys, pinecones, or small garden creatures. Before each mowing session, it’s a good idea to quickly check your lawn for any small items or critters.

Hilly and Sloped Lawns

If your lawn has steep slopes or hills, you’ll need a robot lawn mower designed to handle these conditions. Check the model’s specifications for its maximum incline rating. The Robomow RS series, for instance, can handle slopes up to 20 degrees.

Weather Conditions

Most robotic lawn mowers are designed to withstand light rain, but heavy rain can be problematic. Some models will automatically return to their charging station when it starts raining, while others may require manual intervention. Likewise, robot lawn mowers should not be used in snowy or icy conditions.

Cleaning and Maintenance:

Regular cleaning and maintenance will not only prolong the lifespan of your robotic lawn mower but also ensure that it operates safely. This involves cleaning the underside of the mower, checking and replacing the blades as needed, and storing the mower properly during winter months.

Wi-Fi and App Security

If your robot lawn mower is controlled by an app, make sure you are using a secure Wi-Fi network to prevent potential hacking threats. Regularly updating your robot lawn mower’s software can also help keep it secure.

Closing Thoughts

Overall, robot lawnmowers provide an excellent hands-off and safe solution for lawn maintenance. However, there are potential advantages to using a regular electric lawn mower in certain situations. For example, for those with smaller or uniquely-shaped yards, a traditional electric lawn mower might offer better maneuverability and precision. Similarly, if you enjoy the active time spent on gardening tasks or if your lawn requires special attention and detailed grooming, an electric mower can give you that direct control.

Electric mowers also typically cost less than their robotic counterparts, making them a budget-friendly choice for many homeowners. Moreover, since they’re manually operated, they are less likely to encounter issues with navigation around complex landscapes or obstacles.

To learn more about these alternatives and to find one that suits your specific needs, check out our comprehensive review of the best electric lawn mowers of 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are robotic lawn mowers worth buying?

Yes, robotic lawn mowers are worth buying if you value convenience and efficiency. They take care of lawn maintenance autonomously, freeing up your time and energy. They’re particularly beneficial for large lawns or for individuals who may have difficulty operating a traditional mower.

How much grass can a robot mower cut?

A robot mower can typically handle lawns up to 1.25 acres, depending on the model. Some high-end models can even manage larger areas. It’s essential to check the manufacturer’s specifications to ensure the mower will meet your lawn’s size needs.

Can robot mowers cut around trees?

Yes, robot mowers are equipped with sensors that allow them to detect and navigate around obstacles, including trees. However, for young or delicate trees, it’s recommended to use additional protective measures like tree guards or creating a separate zone with the boundary wire.


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